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The law, scripture, the Church, and love work harmoniously together
Today’s saint lived numerous lives inside of his 100 years on earth. He was an intellectual prodigy who was teaching university-level philosophy by the age of twenty, and who took degrees in civil and canon law from the premier law university of the time—Bologna. While in Bologna, he likely came to know the founder of a new religious order who had also come to Bologna, and who would die there—St. Dominic Guzman. The example of the Dominicans led Fr. Raymond to exchange the diocesan priesthood for the Dominicans.
St. Raymond’s abilities and holiness were such that everyone seemed to want him in their service. Kings and Popes and Bishops and Orders all had plans on how to utilize him best. He was called to the Pope’s service to make the great contribution for which he is still known today, the organization of a huge compendium of Church law which served as the basic reference for canon lawyers until the early 20th century. Exhausted by this three years of effort in this project, he returned in...
Courtesy of Flicker: Decretales D[omi]ni pape Gregorij noni acurata diligentia nouissime q[uam] pluribus cum exemplaribus emendate (Venetiis: Luca Antonio Giunta, 1514); 21 cm. Call # CL 141 G8 1514 c.1. Raymond of Peñafort is shown presenting the Decretals to Pope Gregory IX: Courtesy Fr. Lawrence Lew via Flicker; Stained glass image Courtesy of Kent G. Becker on flicker; By CarlosVdeHabsburgo - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=64653553